Tuesday, December 18, 2012


 Agriculture has many kind of ways. Products, scale and place(country) are different from each way. I will explain some main ways.

→Irrigation is to supply water from outside to a agricultural place artificially. Irrigation is used when we increase production of farm products, and maintenance the landscape in a dry zone and the soil of the dry season. Besides, irrigation is used to prevent compaction of the soil, control a weed in the field of the cereals and protect the crops from frost damage.The irrigation is divided into farm irrigation to supply water to a field and rice field irrigation to supply water to a rice field. 
 The role that irrigation serves as for social development is very big. Because the productivity of the farmland remarkably increases by irrigation, a surplus product grows. Surplus products support occupations to produce value other than agriculture, and support the life of commerce and industry people, the armed forces and the sovereignty noblemen. In this way, the productivity improvement by the irrigation brings the society a change.

 ↓ Irrigation in India

Daily farming
Dairy farming is stock raising to breed a cow or a goat, and to produce milk and dairy products.  
 The highlands which are coolness are land suitable for milk cow breeding. People put the several hundred milk cow out to pasture in one house at ranches and breed it in a cattle shed. Most of the pasturage-based dairy farming is not performed in Japan, and it is the pasturage in the cow house mainly, and the dairy farming by the nature pasturage does not reach 2%.
 Dairy farming is prosperous in Hokkaido, Iwate, Chiba, Tochigi, Nagano, Kumamoto in Japan. The national first place of the amount of agriculture income is Tsurui-mura, Hokkaido of the dairy farming. In late years, the problem of the fresh milk surplus becomes remarkable because consumptions of the drinking milk decrease by the rise of the competing drink. In addition, the producer milk price falls with this, too.

↓ Daily farming in Hokkaido


 →The plantation is a large-scale farm to adopt a method of the large-scale factory production and cast a large quantity of capital into very large farmlands in the tropical zone, subtropical local and cultivate the single crop in large quantities by using cheap work force such as indigenous people or the black ivory. 
 This "cheap work force" is the native of the colonies or slaves, and it is the farmer of developing countries now, and the human rights of the worker may be considered to be a problem. In addition, the environmental disruption such as the issue of water pollution, deforestation, pesticide is often considered to be a problem.
 Most of plantation crops are salable farm products, and countries can earn foreign currency by exporting these, but the country depending on this can't manage economy when this is affected by the natural disaster. And main plantation crops are Sugar cane (Brazil, India, China, Malaysia), tea (India, China, Sri Lanka), Cacao (Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia), coffee (Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia), banana (India, Ecuador, Philippines, Brazil), natural rubber Thailand, Indonesia, India, Malaysia).

↓ Plantation in ancient time


  1. Yeah!
    My name is Masataka Iizuka.
    What kind of crops do you like?

    1. Thank you for your comment!

      My favorite crop is rice.

  2. Quesion
    1.Where is Irrigation acted in Japan?
    2.Do you think Plantation can be done in Japan?
    3.Have you ever gone to Plantation of America?
    I think that agriculture is imprtant politic in japan future. Do you think so?
    I think font of your blog is not easy to read...
