Thursday, December 20, 2012


Many kinds of products are produced by agriculture. I will explain some main products.

→The annual amount of production exceeds 610 million tons. The rice is said to be world three major cereals with wheat, corn, and the amount of production is largely increased. The amount of production is an increase basic tone, but the stock quantities decrease from 2000 in spite of demand increasing . The stock rate fell below 20% in 2006. Around 90% of rice is produced in an Asian area and is used. The greatest country of origin is China, and India, Indonesia follow.
  The quantity of trade of rice is a tendency to increase. The greatest export country is Thailand, and United States of America, India, Pakistan follow. Higher four countries occupy 70% of the quantity of world trade. The rice has less quantity of trade for amount of production than other cereals. Because it tends to be used as basic food in the country, the rice comes to have low ratio of quantity of trade among the amount of production.
  In Asia and Africa and Japan, the rice is eaten as main foods and is used as reckoning alignment of the main greens like a potato and pasta in Europe and America. In addition, in Europe and America and Southeast Asia, the rice is used as dessert. The rice is used for liquor and a rice cake, a candy, miso, soy sauce, vinegar for raw materials.

↓Rice's picture

→The wheat is cultivated from the temperate zone to the subarctic zone. The wheat resists drying, and the production limit is annual precipitation 500mm. When irrigation facilities are set, wheat can be cultivated it in the drier area. The world amount of production of wheat are 30% in North America, 20% in Europe, 40% in Asia. The world amount of production of wheat in 2006 is 605,950,000 tons and equal to amount of production of rice. Wheat is farm products with much amount of production next to corn. China, India, the United States of America, Russia, France produce just 50% of the total amount of production of the wheat.
  The seed of harvested wheat powders it and is used as wheat flour. The wheat flour becomes the raw materials such as bread and udon, the Chinese noodles, cake, pasta. A kind, a use of the wheat flour vary according to the hardness of the grain. Seeds inferior to in quality or appearing in flour milling become the fodder.

↓Wheat's picture

→The soybean was cultivated widely all over the world, and there was already it in Japan in Jomon period. The countries where the production of soybeans is prosperous are the United States, Brazil, Argentina, China. Expansion of the soybean farmland with the natural wood felling advances in Brazil and is brought into question. In addition, the unemployment problem occurs because there are few necessary workers in one farm.
 The soybean includes protein, fat, iron content, minerals and calcium and is processed into oil, medicine, feed, and so on. Inthe world, 87% of soybeans are used for oil.

↓Soybean's picture

1 comment:

  1. Question
    1.Do you like Shochu that is made from rice or wheat?
    2.How do you think rice bread(米粉パン)?
    3.soybeans can cange "nattou". Do you like it?
    I like the word 米 of first photo.
    Sorry, I don't have a suggest.
